If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, and become more, YOU are a LEADER!
- John Q. Adams
The NLDC believes leadership extends far beyond the principal's office! As an organization committed to integrity, excellence, and service, we believe that with informed school and district administrators, expert teaching, purposeful plans, and well-implemented programs, all students can meet or exceed their social, emotional, and academic potential. Our aim is to equip administrators, teachers, students, and families with the necessary skills to ensure success for all!

​We are a collaboration of professional development service providers, foundations, businesses, school districts, universities, and other community partners committed to the goal of building capacity in teachers, school leaders, and families so schools can equip children with the skills necessary to reach their fullest potential– socially, emotionally, and academically. In order to accomplish these goals, the NLDC gathers, shares, and uses the latest research to inform its partners, expand funding opportunities for high-quality service providers, promote successful strategies, and develop evaluation systems to measure progress and success.
The NLDC has a history of success in schools and districts of all sizes, from large urban districts to rural schools. This success is safeguarded by laying a foundation of research-based knowledge, supporting the use of proven tools and strategies, and developing school leaders and teacher leaders who champion equity and promote success for all students.
Our network of leadership, academic, and restorative discipline consultants all have held a wide array of positions in education: classroom teachers, instructional coaches, district and building-level leaders, researchers, authors, and professors. They are dynamic, highly-skilled, passionate about children and education, and specially selected based on their experiences and expertise; thus, they hold the potential to assist schools of all types and sizes work towards improvement. The NLDC is a place for this dynamic and diverse team of educational experts to come together to share ideas, develop bonds, and take up the work of helping schools to better the lives of children. What keeps us together is shared background experiences, a passion for innovation, and a belief in children and our profession.